Why A Group Program?
The power of working towards a goal amongst other vulnerable, highly motivated, and curious people is simply outstanding. I have had the great privilege of working on myself in the presence of other men who were there to do the same thing for themselves. If you have worked on yourself in any meaningful way, you know that self-development, healing, and expansion are not a one-time thing. You don’t do this in one session with one clinician, therapist, or coach, and you certainly don’t do it alone if you are inclined to make waves in this lifetime. Every time I have shown up for myself and growth with a clear and deliberate choice to work with someone for their expertise, gifts, and life lessons, I find new pathways to my evolution and self-actualization.
I have had many profound life-changing experiences simply by myself through journaling, meditating, practicing, creating something of depth and meaning, and immersing myself in nature solo. I have also had some of the most healing and connecting experiences working in concurrence and alongside others. There is something so powerfully healing to being seen, witnessed, heard, encouraged, and supported by a group of people who want to see you win just as badly as they want to win and grow. This is why I am offering Embody and a group program as well. For one, it is cheaper for you, and if you have never experienced the power of a dedicated group program that has the structure, integrity, and accountability that I build into my groups, then you may be the perfect person to receive such a container of support.
How Do I Join?
Click on the button above and fill out the Google Form with the relevant information that is true for you to help me learn more about you and why you would like to consider joining the Embody group. We will schedule a call to discuss your goals and the program more and determine if you are a good fit for an experience like this. If so, we will proceed, and you will fill out a complete intake form to set the tone for your overall experience. If not, that doesn't mean we cannot work together, but perhaps you may be a better candidate for 1:1 therapy and coaching or the course, Thrive. My goal is to help you find the best approach for your specific needs.
There will be a weekly meeting of 90-120 minutes, depending on the flow of the call, for 15 weeks.
You will be expected to attend every meeting on time, with your fullest presence and integrity, as you are accountable to your own growth and the growth of everyone else in the container. There will be very few exceptions to this rule.
You will be given an accountability partner at the start of the container to keep you honest and in alignment with the practices and assignments that will help you turn your vision and mission into a new, more powerful embodiment. This person will change every five weeks.
You will have four 1-on-1 coaching calls with me during weeks 1, 5, 10, and 14 to dive deeper into your experience with me.